After brewing a warm cup of coffee, I scoured the internet for pancake recipes. With the changing season, I think we all get the compulsion to eat all the pumpkin things. Now this can go too far, what with things like pumpkin spice oreos (Disclaimer: I have not actually tried these and they may actually be delicious and probably toxic). But I think we can all agree that nothing says fall like pumpkin pancakes! I don't have a go to recipe, so I did my usual googling for recipes. The words "fluffy" really got my attention in this recipe for Pumpkin Pancakes. It's hard to determine what's going to be a recipe winner and sometimes you've gotta go with your gut and hope that the Internet gods don't screw you.
This recipe turned out to be a winner indeed. Definitely fluffy (I mean look at that beautiful stack of pancakes)! As for the making of the batter I only have a few tips. First, always remember to melt your butter early on so it can cool adequately. You don't want warm butter curdling your eggs (and no that's not code for something else). Second, sift your dry ingredients together, it will make for a less lumpy batter. Finally, the hardest part of making pancakes to me is figuring out the right temperature for my skillet. My first one always ends up slightly burnt on top and undercooked inside. I recommend using a little bit of batter to make a tiny, sacrificial, practice pancake. If you screw it up, you can share that one with the trashcan.
After the first sacrificial one, I had some beautifully brown, fluffy pancakes. This recipe makes 12 pancakes, so come to the table hungry or invite some friends. Because what is better than breakfast food, right Leslie Knope?!